Michael Rath, ERA Rath REALTORS

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20102 Center Ridge Road
Rocky River, OH 44116 Rocky RiverRate and review
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"Selling real estate in today's technology-driven marketplace is no longer something that can be accomplished by one agent acting alone. It takes a team that knows the intricacies of the transaction and that understand the process.

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21605 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River OH, 44116
The enticing, unforgettable flavors of the Mediterranean are calling. Go ahead and take a journey into the delicious at The Great Greek – no passport...

Get to know Michael Rath, ERA Rath REALTORS

Computers and electronic signature have made things easier but it is still a face to face experience. I know our market area and I have assembled all the pieces to make sure you are represented in the transaction. I know every step involved and I can answer any question you might have about the process. Give us a chance to over deliver and to make your transaction smooth and fun."

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