Ohio City
About Ohio City
Tucked away, a city within a city, Ohio City waits to be discovered. While not one of America's most famous tourist destinations, Ohio City offers visitors a true taste of American flavor. "How does this white bread US state offer flavor?" you may ask. Simple. Worldwide the United States is known as a melting pot, and Ohio City is boiling over. The culture of this old Cleveland neighborhood consists of an extremely ethnically diverse blend. There are more than fifteen ethic groups which comprise the over ten thousand residents. Each of these groups of people bring to Ohio City their own distinct flavor. This is evident in the super hot and trendy restaurants and nightspots open here. Cleveland residents will assure you, Ohio City is the place to go. One of the most premier neighborhoods in Cleveland, this historic area is located adjacent to the Cuyahoga River. Views of the water are just one of the area's highlights. The city is a beautiful place to visit, in particular for fans of architecture. Many of the historic buildings have been renovated, and new cutting edge designs are being erected every day. While Ohio City is rich in history and culture, it has its eye on the future. Visitors here need not worry about finding something to do.
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